Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Diverted South to avoid storm KLHQ - Ohio

Diverted to Fairfield KLHQ Lancaster, Ohio

Amazing technology this was an image post made by Denise at their diversion FBO. The team was heading towards Dayton but thunderstorms were closing faster than they could get to their breakpoint. Typically they are cruising at 4,500 AGL however were asked to climb to 5000 when crossing through TSRA Chicago contol. They also thought the divert airport was perfect and got the team on the ground 10 minutes quicker and a half hour in advance of the weather front without getting too far off course.

They borrowed a staff car since the courtesy car was being used and put in fuel as a 'Thank You'. Now Teresa and Denise are enjoying a 'Steak and Shake' stop. This will be the first time at that restaurant for Denise so now she can shed the Northeastern standard eateries and move into the Rust Belt and Central States and their favorite flavors! The storm is  passing over now so should be rolling out by around 13:15H Eastern.


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