Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Safe, Hydrated & on to WACO!

We are safe in Midland TX

At approximately 13:50 central, the gang fired up the new 'Frankenstein' purple bird and continued the journey Eastward in search of safe skies over Waco. This will likely be a long day since the crew is trying to cover as much ground as they can while the favorable winds hold.

A very interesting fact is that the crew picked up a hitchhiker on the way and that is their OWN RUDDER. Yes believe it or not, Denise is spending a lot of quality time with 4 foot tall hunk of bent aluminum until Florida or a Chase plane agrees to ferry the part. We'll keep you posted.

For now, SMILE and take solace in the fact that the ladies are truly back in it and getting a second chance (or is the third?) to finish what they started.

15:00 Position Report half way to Waco 6/22/16

1 comment:

  1. Proud of you guys for your perseverance
